In motherhood we're often focused on caring for others and meeting their needs.

We don't necessarily evaluate how we treat ourselves. Self-compassion is the practice of accepting ourselves right where we're at, avoiding self-imposed condemnation, and treating ourselves like we would treat those we love.

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Self Compassion guide

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    Dr. Ashurina Ream

    PMH-C | Licensed clinical psychologist with advanced training in perinatal mental health.

    Who am I?

    I'm Dr. Ashurina Ream, and I created Psyched Mommy to build a community where moms can share honest motherhood experiences, learn about mental health, and find the village that's often missing.

    What will you learn?

    This resource is going to help you reflect on your current level of self-compassion and learn how to be kinder to yourself, realize that we ALL suffer even when we feel alone, and learn skills to be in the present moment without making it worse.